The Golden Shackle Award for best marine services goes to Celtic Marine Services in Nazaré, on the West coast of Portugal, for not only mailing the maker of this site the cherished fleece jacket that he left in a local restaurant, but mailing it in a short zipped bag with a plastic hook, ready to hang in a ship's locker.
Celtic Marine Services is run by Capt. Mike Hadley and his wife Sally Hadley, who between them can arrange practically all services a yachtsman might need. When we last came by, in Madrugada, Sereia's André Hoek designed successor, Celtic arranged the firebrigade to get about a metric ton of water pumped out within the hour, plus the cooling unit of the engine exhaust built out, welded and built back in, all within 48 hours. Highly recommended.
Celtic Marine Services
Caixa Postal 1 Porto Da Nazaré
2450-075 Nazaré, Portugal
Tel: +351 262 552 659
Fax: +351 262 552 659
Mob: +351 968 074 254